Gifts and Give Away's..

I've been a very lucky bunny over the last few days.
I received a lovely little parcel from dear Kat over at Kat The Hat Lady. with one of her new Mad Hatter Hats enclosed, a bottle of Shrunken Skulls and a couple of empty potion bottles. I Love the Hat Kat, its beautifully decorated. Kat also has some wonderful hats up for sale in her Ebay Shop at the moment. As you all know I am a bit partial to Kat's Hat's. LOL
Thank you Kat. xxx

Next I entered a give away on Kassandra's blog and it was a real surprise when I won. Kassandra sent me a cute little tin decorated with a Rose and when I opened it these were the goodies inside. Kassandra also has a lovely Etsy shop called Kaleidoskopic Romance, filled with minis. Make sure you go over and take a peek.
Thank you Kassandra. xxx

Then I entered another give away over on Karina's Blog, The Mouse Mansion. It was for a book that she has written about her life. I was even more surprised to win that give away as well.
Karina has recently started another blog called Karina - Content, this new blog is to give more information about her work.
Thank you Karina. xxx

Thank you all so much Ladies..

Now have you noticed a theme running through this post?
All those lovely Ladies names begin with a "K".
Maybe I should enter the Kottery...LOL