I'm not allowed, under pain of death, to post any photos of my daughter's prom. And I thought I might use my son's graduation photos for Mosaic Monday. Or maybe not. But anyway, I'm reduced to posting salt and pepper shakers. lol
But thank you so much for your words of encouragement yesterday. They mean more to me than you can imagine. Thank you for sharing your experience and your dreams. Thank you for being my role models and my inspiration. Thank you.
A little story here about my daughter, one I'm sure most of you who are mothers will relate to:
I'm not sure what the traditions are in other states, or countries for that matter, but here in New Jersey, it is almost a tradition that kids go down the shore (to the beach) after senior prom. So last night found us waving goodbye to our daughter at midnight. All her friends had gone in other cars, so she was facing the two and a half hour drive alone. We were not thrilled with this, but she's a smart kid and a good driver, so we didn't object.
She called us as instructed, about two hours later to say that she had arrived in the town, but was having trouble finding the house. We pulled up Google Maps and tried to direct her, but she kept saying that she didn't see it. She had been following an address and directions given her by one of the other kids in the house, and after awhile we realized that she was actually in the wrong town.
There we were, my husband and I, frantically searching on our computers, to try and find where she was supposed to go. I installed VZ Navigator on my phone, so she could follow satellite directions. My husband even tried to call the local police department in the town where she was, but they did not answer the phone at 3:00 am. Can you believe that?! What kind of police department doesn't answer the phone at night???
Finally we had her pull into the parking lot of a doctor's office, got that address and the correct address for her destination, and were able to direct her once again using Google Maps. We even pulled up Google Street View so that we could talk to her about what she was seeing at each turn. At 4:00 am, she finally arrived, safe and sound, at her destination.
O. M. G.
I know several of you took me to task for saying that I was old yesterday, but let me tell you that I feel a lot older today. About ten years older. It's a good thing I've got an appointment for a cut and color this week, because my hair turned gray overnight. ;)
Are you ready for Mosaic Monday this week? AM I? Anyway, I hope you will join me. Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30 pm Eastern time, USA, Sunday night. By which time I will probably be about 100 years old. lol