Flower Trellis

I'm so pleased with how my blog is making me focus on one task and stick with it. I feel that I am obligated to post something daily, to show that I am still working on the garden shed, which I am! In the words of Martha, "it's a good thing."

I have now completed the flower trellis for the side of the garden shed. I am pleased with how it turned out. I used an old macrame board that was close to 30 years old to ensure I kept everything in line!! It was a fairly easy project just a little slow because you had to wait for the glue to dry on each cross member before you could proceed to the next layer.

Now I have to decide on what vine I should make to grow on it. I have already made a clematis vine for my bakery, and I have a wisteria vine in progress for my dollhouse, so I am thinking I will try and make a grapevine. I have the necessary punch, it's only a matter of punching lots and lots of leaves, and shaping and varegating them. Also I would have to make lots of fimo grapes. I made a few bunches for indoor fruit arrangements, so I guess I would just have to make lots to fill the vine. Sounds very time consuming, but I think it will be a nice additional for the long outside wall of the shed that doesn't have a window. For now though, I need to concentrate on the inside of the shed so that I can attach the roof!!

Here's the vine, in progress, and propped against the garden shed wall. It's almost 7" high, so I will need a fairly large vine to cover it, and I think it will be nice if the vine follows up under the soffit of the roof line as well. So many ideas, so mini projects!! Oh well!

I have three new followers. This is the part about blogging I don't quite understand. Even though I have three new followers, because the numbers moved from 50 to 53, there are only two new names that appeared in my followers list. So I do apologize if I am overlooking welcoming someone, so whoever you are, welcome!!! (Maybe this is someone following privately??) I'm not sure!

In the meanwhile, hello to:-

Maria, http://marivigano.blogspot.com/

and Ascension, who does not appear to have a blog. If you do Ascension, just let me know and I will post a link to your blog.

Welcome to both of you as well, and thank you for taking an interest in my minis!
