Happy Fathers Day...

Wishing all the Father's, Pops, Dad's and Daddies out there a very Happy Father's Day.
Mick spoke to his Dad this morning and they wished each other a Happy Father's Day..LOL Have a great day "Big Mick".
Harry and Ben have brought Mick, quite a few bits and pieces from their own money, that they've been earning, working in the Fish & Chip shop in Town. But unfortunately it hasn't all arrived in time, so can't let on what it is, just in case he reads this, which is not likely, but you never know!. But they did give him the Avatar DVD, this morning.
We are having a Lamb Roast today, with all the trimmings and as I did loads of baking on Friday, I'm sure a few cakes will be consumed this afternoon.

On the Mini front, have you seen the lovely "Little Red", that my dear friend Debie over on Piskies and Poppets, has made. She's wonderfully dark. Debie has written a brilliant Poem to go with her. I Love her. If you haven't seen her, go over and take a look.

I don't know about everyone else, but are any of you having trouble with your blog lists updating? Mine has only just updated blogs that were written over 16 hours ago????.. Maybe there's a glitch in blogger again..

Thanks for all the emails this morning peeps. Brian yours made me laugh and I'm adding "The Cheese has slipped off the Cracker", to my repertoire. Brian is having a "Give Away", on his blog for one of his sculpts. You've got to be in it, to win it, so go over and leave a comment..

Have a wonderful Father's Day....xxxx