garden shed progress

I'm still actively working on the garden shed, but there isn't a lot to show for it in pictures. I am very pleased with two things I have accomplished though. The ridge beam has a double 45 degree cut on the top, running the full length of the beam. Likewise the fascia boards have a single 45 degree cut running the full length of the fascia. Problem is, I don't have power saws to make such cuts.

But I have accomplished it. I did in manually with an Xacto knife and sand paper. I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I tried to take pictures of the cuts, but it was challenging zooming in to show the detail, so I apologize for the blurriness. Keep in mind that these boards are close to 13" long with these cuts running the full length. I've just focused in on the very end to show the detail.

On another note, I thought I show you something more interesting. One of the main delays with creating miniatures is drying time for glues and paints. So many times I work on several projects, but space does become challenging then. One thing I find is a great filler for the time in between is my rug making. I've been making miniature rugs since I started making miniatures over 20 years ago. I enjoy it tremendously. There are times I don't touch the rugs for months, but then I find I have long stretches where I work on them constantly between other minis.

I thought I would share with you some of the rugs I have completed. This is the first two I've done. Both patterns came from miniature rug books. The rug is in 28 count and the runner is in 32 count. Again I've tried to zoom in to show you more details on the runner, sorry I've got lots to learn about my camera.

In the picture above there is also a picture of a pillow I have stitched, but yet to assemble. The blue rug is one my sister stitched for me. It's on 18 count.

Above is the close up of the runner.
Again I have to welcome one more follower.
and Iris and FabShabbyRoses who don't appear to have blogs. If you do, just email me and I will put the link on my page.
Also yesterday in my posting I welcomed Latiana and said that her blog was Beautiful Mini Blessings. I made a mistake and I apologize to the owner of this blog. Latiana doesn't have a blog but is following lots of blogs and this was one of the one she was following. Latiana, thanks for letting me know! And thanks for following my blog. I followed blogs for many months without having a blog myself. I was so inspired by other's blogs that I decided to have my own blog. I also hoped having my own blog would give me more discipline to finish my projects. Now I am accountable to all the followers who want to see the finish projects!! Thanks again for your interest.