One of those days!

I decided today that I would start the painting on the garden shed. I have so many bottles of paint, that I automatically assumed the shade I needed was in my drawer. No such luck!! So then I decided I would cut the rafters and truss for the roof. But unfortunately the blade in my Easy Cutter is too dull, and I am waiting for a shipment of new blades! So it's been one of those days.

When you live in a part of the world that has so little supplies quickly available, you incur delays. Well I can go to the hobby store for the paint tonight, but the roof will have to wait.

So then I thought I would scan a picture of the actual garden shed plans I am building so you can see the direction I am hopefully heading. The plans were found in Miniature Collector in 2007.

I am pleased with my project so far. I decided I would groove the planks in the floor and antique them today. I am pleased with how it turned out, but it doesn't photograph that well. Then I decided to apply finishes to some of the accessories for the shed. Here's updated pictures of the folding ladder, and garden tools from my posting early this week. I love how the "rust" turned out on the shovel and other tools. They are inexpensive miniatures, that looked too new and shiny, so now they have that well used look! I also "dirtied up" a mop and broom for the shed. I think I have to do a little more on the handle of those items.

I still have to decide on how I am going to refinish the potting table. It's a little too high for under the window, so I think I may make a second table to go next to it that doesn't have the hutch section, and this should fit under the window fine.

I am very pleased to see I have four more followers. Welcome to:-

Debbie, and several other blogs!

Thanks for taking an interest in my projects.

I have a question for those who are following. Most blogs I follow I can click on a picture and view a larger version of the picture. On some sites I cannot. On my own site, I can't click on my pictures to see a larger image. Is it something I should be doing when I am uploading the images and publishing the posting? Hope you can help me. I love seeing the larger clearer images, and I would like to offer people following my blog the same convenience.
