Potting Bench

I've been a busy little beaver with all these printies....or maybe it's a busy little cutter. My fingers hurt, and I have more than I need, just have to decide what to use. Thank you for everyone who gave me tips on where I could find more gardening themed printies!

Tonight have decided on how I am going to finish the potting bench. Right now I have the base coat applied, and it's far from how I plan it to look when it's finished, but I thought you might be interested in the progress so far.

It's a little RED!!! But it's not going to be like this when it's finished, but it was necessary to give it a red base coat if I am to achieve how I want it to look in the end. I am being very mysterious, and I am not going to say anymore. Surprise to follow tomorrow.....stay tune!!
Now it's back to my printie cutting....oh my fingers!!
And before I forget I have to welcome a few more followers!!
and Meli Abellan who does not appear to have a blog. If I am wrong on this, let me know and I will post a link to your blog as well.
I am up to 49 followers now, and it's only been 2 weeks!! It's unbelieveable to have so much interest in my minis. Thank each and everyone of you. Maybe by morning I will reach the 50 plateau!