The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter...

Well it's finally opened in Florida USA, The Wizarding World Of Harry Potter. Here's a News Report on the opening and also a blog called Mickey Ears & Magic Wands, has also written about the experience.
It sounds by the reports, that it is an amazing experience and wouldn't it be wonderful to walk the Village of Hogsmeade and browse in all the shops. See the Castle and ride the rides.
But I still think, it should have been built in the United Kingdom. Just think what it would have done for the Tourist Industry over here, and the jobs it would have created. I just can't imagine Harry Potter with a Americanised accent, it will be like Dick Van Dyke, in Mary Poppins all over again. And lets face it how many British, Harry Potter fans, will be able to afford to travel to the U.S.A?. Here's one that can't, well maybe, if I win the Lottery.