A Relaxing Day

I've spent my bonus day off relaxing and working on my minis. It's nice to have an extra day, all to myself to work guilt free on the garden shed and accessories. Today I sanded down the red paint on the garden tool carrier, and worked on the accessories to fill it.

After I had most of the items in the carrier I felt the colour was too bright, so I thought I would age it as well. I still need to cut out the plant stakes and make gloves for the carrier, but I am pleased with the work so far.

I have to make enough accessories to fill the other two carriers I have now. Hopefully I can use them for a draw in the near future.

I make a lot of old vintage gardening signs today and aged more crates and added signs to the end of the crate. I still have to age them, so that will be a picture for another day. As usual I made much more than I needed!! More to share I guess!

I have more followers to welcome also:-

De, http://delightfulminis.blogspot.com/

Dale, http://dalesdreams.blogspot.com/

Jose, http://jose-miprrimeracasita.blogspot.com/ Jose is building a phenomenal castle, you should check out jose's blog.

Also welcome to Sabiha, who doesn't appear to have a blog,

and a big welcome to my sweetie, and husband-to-be, Jeff, who is now one of my followers, (but weren't you always one of my followers??? lol

Check out everyone's blogs, there are some great things there to see! And thanks for taking an interest in my blog.
