Second time around...

The value in taking photos of your minis allows you to see things that you can't see with your naked eye. Last night I sanded down the stool and tool box and photographed it again and placed the photo in my blog. Once I got a moment to really size up the photo I realized that you couldn't even see the sanding I had done. I wanted it too look older and more distressed. So tonight it was back to the drawing board...or in this case, the painting and distressing area.

I rubbed both pieces down with raw umber and chipped out some wood, and then sanded everything again. I'm more pleased with the look now. You never know though, it still may not be finished!!

Have a look!

I have one new follower to welcome this evening. Please take the time to have a look at her fabulous blog. Welcome to


I am fast approaching 100 followers, and I have put together a give-a-way for that time. More details in the coming days.
