So much so, that when we moved here, he asked me to paint a Dragon on his bedroom wall. I agreed on the understanding that it was subtle. Well Ben looked through loads of Dragon pictures, and came up with a design for Chinese Dragon, that was originally a design for a Tattoo. I then drew it on his wall and painted it in, free hand.
We happened to be looking at some Dragon pictures on the Internet, a few weeks ago and I found a drawing of a Dragon's Eye, which Ben really liked.
Now Ben is going off to University, in September and I wanted to make something, that he could take with him.
Now my hands are quite swollen at the moment, so its nigh on impossible, for me to make any miniatures. But I thought I'd have a go at making a plaque, to go on the front of a journal, so that Ben can take it with him. So
I rolled out a sheet of clay by hand and then pulled it out of shape, as I didn't want sharp corners. I then embossed the Clay to give it a Dragon Like skin. Then I made the eye, popped it in the Oven and Hey Presto, my interpretation of the Dragon Picture. As I had some left over clay I started playing about with it last night, while I was watching the TV and ended up making a little Eye as well. I've used the Fimo Powders on this to give it a shimmer, on the larger piece I used an arcrylic antiquing medium.
For the first time doing anything along these lines, I'm really pleased with the results. I just need to find a really strong Glue to affix to the journal with now. Any ideas?