A Tool Caddy for the Garden Shed

Today I spent some time making a tool caddy for the garden shed. I had accumulated a few miniture tools and found a tutorial online for a tool caddy in full size, and worked at reducing it to miniature today. My first attempt failed, because I couldn't cut the necessary notches in the wood without breaking the wood, but with some minor adjustments, I finally accomplished the task. I am pleased with the results.

I aged it with the same product I have been using for the crates. It's a bottle I purchased about 20 years ago while visiting a miniature store in North Carolina. I am starting to get really low on the product!! I've got to source more of this product.

I haven't added the tools yet because the wood was still wet when I took the picture. That will be for another posting.

I also stained and glued the rafters in place today. Next step is to stain the roof joists and glue those in place. Things are really starting to take shape here.

I was so busy with all my swap offerings yesterday that I failed to welcome my new followers, so now I have 5 to welcome this evening. I had several comments on the swap offerings yesterday and had a few emails as well. If there is anyone else interested in swapping garden themed accessories or flowers, just drop me an email. My email address is in my profile.
I would like to welcome these followers. Please take the time to have a look at their blogs.
Mini Babies, I don't see a blog, but if you do have one, just drop me a comment and I will post a link for you. If I have gotten anyone's name incorrect, I apologize. My translator was working well for some of the blogs, so I had to do a little searching for a name. I hope I have them correct.