Good morning, dear bloggers! Well, at least it is morning here as I write this. I went out for breakfast this morning with my dear friend, Robin. She had the most beautiful bracelet on, and it got me thinking about jewelry.
I tend to like the idea of jewelry, and I'm lucky to have some pretty pieces that my husband has given me over the years, and some vintage brooches and bracelets from my mom. (One of them is pictured above.) When I get dressed to go out though, I will put on jewelry, then take almost all of it off, except for a necklace. I just feel too dressed up. I think maybe that is a habit from my childhood, when I was quite the tomboy.
So my question for you is this: Do you wear a lot of jewelry, or just a few sentimental pieces, or none at all on a daily basis? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)
Please join me for Mosaic Monday, where I will definitely not be wearing jewelry. ;) Mr. Linky will be up by 8:30pm Sunday, Eastern time. Looking forward to seeing you all!