Well this little chap was the result. Please meet Pogle. (If you click on the pictures,they should pop up bigger). I did try to follow along, as Debie was making this little chap, but my hands were so hot, my clay ended up like chewing gum.
The only input I had was making the little flowers for his hat.
I'm definitely going to have another go when the weather is cooler.
Debie and her Pop

On the home front, I went with Ben to get his "A" level results this morning. I'm very pleased to announce that Ben passed all Five of his "A" Levels.
To say that we are all as pleased as punch, is a bit of an under statement.. Ben is now looking forward to starting Aberystwyth University, in September to study Criminology and Psychology.
Many Congratulations Ben, you deserve every success, especially after all the hard work you put in..xxxx