Just wanted to add some close up pictures of the Decorations and also a couple of pictures of the Tree with the lights turned on.
I can't tell you how pleased I am, with this Tree and if there are any left in the Sales, I might invest in another one for the Boys Room. Although I haven't put their little Tree up, in their room this year.
There are lots of Decorations on the Tree that belonged to my Mum & Dad, so it's always a bitter sweet moment, when I unwrap the decorations each year. But they always bring back great memories, of Christmas's past.
There are also three little Father Christmas's on the Tree, which were the very first decorations I ever brought, to hang on my very first Christmas Tree in my very first House. When I think I was only 19, the same age as Ben is now! Which means those decorations are twenty seven years old. I'm forty six if your trying to work it out. Blimey, doesn't time fly?. One little Father Christmas is Sitting on a Star swing, one is in a Hot Air Balloon and the other one is riding a wooden Hobby Reindeer, instead of a Hobby Horse. I brought them from Avon, I've still got the original boxes they came in as well.
Nikki, can you spot the little Christmas Pudding you made me last year and look closely in the Mantle Garland, can you see the spray of Autumn Coloured Berries?
Rosanna, do you spy the little Italian Angel hanging on the Tree? She looks very happy there, watching over us.
I hope my pictures have got you all in the Christmas mood and I'd love to see everyone Else's.. xxxx