I've been very tardy and not welcomed my new followers. Welcome to you all.
They are:-
Chrissey who has a blog called My Miniature World.
Trudie, who I can't find any information on.
Judy, who's blog is called Just Miniature Scale.
hamandap who again no information on.
Marta called Marta y Carla. A lovely miniature blog, very shabby chic.
Drora Hed, who's blog is called Drora's Minimundo.
Eileen, who's blog is called Eileen Sedgwick. Eileen is an Artist Doll maker and a fabulous artist. She also has her own web site.
Wee Little West who's blog is called Wee Little West. Kathy is an Igma artisan and makes beautiful mouth watering miniature food.
Minimariba, who's link is I think Minimariba. This is an Italian miniature web site.
Lily who's blog is called Christmas Believe.
Blumbarchen, who is one very talented lady and has lots of blogs, so I've given the link to her profile and you can explore all her links.
Jacqueline ,who again is a very talented lady and has a few different blogs, so again I've given the link to her profile.
Cris, who again I can't find any information on.
Vicky, who has a few blogs, but this looks like it is the miniature one, Crafty Phred. She's recently started constructing one of Bea's Petite Properties , she has The Washtub Cottage.
Maria, who again I can find no information on.
Lilith's Kiss, who again no information on..
Katrilli, who's blog is called Katrillin Kasityomaailma. Lots of miniatures on there..
Ayamontinomaria who's blog is Mi Pequena Libertad. Love the Halloween Minis on here.
Daphne who's blog is called Top Blogs.
Fabiola Benocci, the only link I could find is this one, Il Mondo Magico Di Fabiola, do hope its the right person and web address.
And last, but definitely not least, is Joyce Stahl, who blog is of the same name. Joyce makes the most fantastic creations, I Love her Dolls.
As always please pop over to their blogs and say Hi....
And if any of you do have links that I've been unable to find please leave a comment and I'll add it.. Thank you
Be back later with details for the Birthday Give away.. xxx