Its a bit of a tradition now, that I have a Birthday Give away.
Well this year is no different. Although its a bit late.
Because its a Birthday Give Away, its a surprise as to what's in the box!
Last year it was a Bone China Bathroom Set, made by Robert Mack of Mack Fine China. Which was won by the lovely Doreen.
The year before it was a Reutter Gold Plated Porcelain Tea Set, that was won by Casey, although Tessie nabbed it.
Now the rules are:-
1. That you must be a follower of this blog, either on the blogger followers list or the networked blog list and your answer must be placed in the comments on this post only..
2. The question I'd like answering is:- I did some Baking on the 11th January. (See this post). I filled seven tins with cakes, but some didn't make it into the tins. ( I have a Hubby and Son that like cakes straight from the oven). How many individual cakes did I make? All the correct answers will go in the hat.
You have until 21st January to enter... Good Luck everyone...