Pudsey Lace Fair and a mini find

Hi all,

It seems like ages since I posted last.  I got a promotion at work and have been mega busy with that so apologies for not writing sooner. 

Yesterday I went to the lace fair at Pudsey Civic Hall http://www.jofirthlacemaking.co.uk/contact.htm  I dont make lace, but a lovely lady at my dolls house club suggested I might find it interesting and I really enjoyed it.  There were lots of lace making supplies of which I had no idea what they were for, and some amazing lace, but there was also quite a crossover to miniatures with lots of stalls selling fabric, beads and more cottons than I have ever seen. 

Part of the fair was also dedicated to woodturning as many people turn their own bobbins or collect turned bobbins and wouldn't you know it but some of the wood turners made mini items too.  I fell in love with a delightful little ebony jar with a removable lid and bought it for my wizards room box.  The seller told me he had made it from an old broken ebony elephant ornament.  I love the idea that it has been repurposed. 

Here it is in my wizards room box.  Hope you like it. 

Natalie xx