The Ecstasy & The Agony..

You were right, those of you that guessed that its my workshop.

And this is what it looked like on the evening of the 2nd January. But that evening the Gales came.
On the morning of the 3rd January, we got up to total devastation. The Wind had reached up to 98mph. Wales and the rest of the UK had taken a severe battering. It lifted the roof with the Rafter's attached and the Apex's, off in one piece and taken it over the back of the Stable Block, up over the embankment, then impaled itself on the top of the stock fencing, part of it was resting on the top of my Horse Trailer.

I can honestly say I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. The only thing I was grateful for, was that none of the Ponies, had been hurt in all the Chaos. What totally amazed us, was the Doors, they'd  stayed shut. I was so lucky that the Rafters, stayed in one piece and the Apex's were undamaged. But the Tongue and Groove roofing couldn't be salvaged.
But out of all this chaos, the workshop rose again.