Christmas Morning..... Gifts Part 2

Now this year Mick and I agreed not to buy presents for each other. There's nothing we need and personally I'd rather save my money for the sales. I do so love a bargain.
So you can imagine my surprise when a large box was produced from under the Christmas Tree with my name on it.
I knew as soon as I saw the box what was inside, see its the Witch in me.

A couple of weeks ago I saw this most amazing Jug in one of our local shops. I absolutely fell in Love with it. It's approx 12ins across the top from handle to spout, 8ins across the bottom and stands approx 8ins. I know it won't be every one's cup of Tea, but I think it beautiful. Its very Rustic looking and I just loved the little Frogs all cuddled up together. I mentioned in passing that I really, really liked it.
So Mick went back without me, brought it and hid it somewhere until Christmas morning.
Naughty Man!...